Sistematica S.p.A. awarded at the IAPH Sustainability Award

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Sistematica S.p.A. premiata agli IAPH Sustainability Award

Sistematica S.p.A. awarded at the IAPH Sustainability Award

Important international recognition for Sistematica S.p.A. at the “IAPH2022 Sustainability Awards” held on May 17 in Vancouver. In fact, our company was awarded in the “digitalization” category for H2020-PASSport (Operational Platform managing a fleet of semi-autonomous drones exploiting GNSS high Accuracy and Authentication to improve Security & Safety in port areas), a project to improve security in port areas through the combined use of UAS and underwater drones.

PASSport was developed on the basis of the indications of the European directive 2005/65/CE, which requires Member States to implement port surveillance systems (there are about 1000 European ports involved) to ensure greater safety in daily operations and to protect citizens and workers.

The PASSport solution integrates with existing platforms, extending the surveillance perimeter thanks to the use of fleets of drones. PASSport allows you to provide operational support for the identification, management and analysis in all daily security activities, including:

  • the protection of buildings and critical infrastructure;
  • the protection of the port area from any small non-cooperative vessels approaching;
  • monitoring of any underwater threats;
  • the monitoring of the pollution present in the area;
  • e-navigation support.

The award is the result of the important work carried out in recent years and which has seen us involved, as well as another important company in our group such as DiGi ONE Srl, together with a large network of private and institutional partners including GMV, Deep Blue Srl, G7 International Srl, ALCINA, TopView Srl, The Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Eurecat – Technology Center of Catalonia, University of Florence, M3 Systems, Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, Fundación Valenciaport, Cerema e l’Port Authority of Ravenna.

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