Turnkey systems

Over 20 years of experience at your disposal

Thanks to many years of experience in the field of hardware and software system design, Sistematica S.p.A. not only offers IT consultancy services, but turnkey solutions for businesses, individuals and public institutions.

Why Choose us?

We develop integrated systems, using consolidated methodologies and following the strictest quality standards in the sector. Furthermore, to meet the innovation needs of our customers, we constantly invest in research and development, testing new environments and innovative technological tools.

Our hardware and software solutions are tailor-made according to customer needs, using cutting-edge tools and skills. We support the corporate innovation process, providing solutions capable of adapting to the evolution of individual needs.

Choosing a Sistematica S.p.A. solution allows you to have all the advantages of an integrated system, designed specifically to meet the needs of your organization.

Products & Services

Our Products

Discover the Products & Services developed by the Sistematica Spa Group.


Multipurpose hub for the collection and control of data from the field, for the management of the technical, operational and energy produced aspects of the energy production communities from renewable sources (CERs).


Innovative platform for the 360° management of the aspects (organisational, operational and technical) relating to the energy community market (CER).


Web-based solution for the remote management of energy production plants.


We support companies with security solutions for the cloud, networks and mobile devices for complete IT risk management.

Grown your business and take it into the future!

Sistematica Spa guides your company in the technological evolution necessary to compete in the market of the future.
Choose our products, we offer a turnkey service!

Non dimenticarti di ...

Prima di aprire un ticket di supporto, non dimenticarti di scaricare e installare Team Viewier.


Don't forget to...

Before opening a support ticket, don’t forget to download and install Team Viewier.

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