Loghi regione Lazio

Solutions for Smart, Sustainable and Secure Mobility - 4SM

Grant granted by Determination of the Lazio Region - Directorate for Economic Development, Productive Activities and Research no. G15322 of 17/11/2023 published in the Official Bulletin of the Lazio Region no. 93 of 21/11/2023

The 4SM – Solutions for Smart, Sustainable and Secure Mobility project involves the study and development of systems to enable the cell phone as an in-vehicle driving behavior event acquisition sensor, to obtain alerting and coaching tools that can be shared and useful, at the same time, to the sectors: insurance, fleet management and sports driving. The resulting outcome is a shared SDK used by separate apps based on the target market. In more detail, the above activity is addressed both from the point of view of safety, and consequently the impact on fewer accidents and thus fewer claims for the insurance market, and from the point of view of sustainability (Enhanced methodology for sustainability assessment). The development of both actuarial and environmental impact analysis and scoring methodologies, then, make it possible to engage drivers, offering both alerts and personalized advice and coaching, in order to operate driving education that benefits both drivers, in terms of lower fuel and insurance policy costs, and the community in terms of carbon footprint. Charging optimization policies provide a contribution to the faster deployment of commercial electric vehicles, which are responsible for much of the citywide emissions. The data collected will, then, be analyzed to produce dynamic dashboards that can give guidance to public agencies regarding sustainable mobility, road safety and, in general, mobility.


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