The aim of the MAITES Project is to analyze different scenarios of the infomobility sector particularly related to the various contexts of road transport

The aim of the MAITES Project is to analyze different scenarios of the infomobility sector particularly related to the various contexts of road transport to identify and create an infrastructure that combines the functions of various components aimed at offering a configurable portfolio of services. MAITES plans to create a prototype in the field of info-mobility and transport safety services, accessible ubiquitously and on the move, demonstrating services in relation to info-mobility and safety objectives. More specifically MAITES combines horizontal techniques applied to the Intelligent Transportation System sector. Compared to the current situation, in addition to the integration of different types of information sources, the system makes use of a vast series of innovative sensors through which to acquire the data necessary for the innovation of infomobility services.
Expected results:
Maites intends to develop an advanced system in the interport area for computerized access management, spatial analysis of the flow of incoming and outgoing goods, automatic detection of risks deriving from transported dangerous goods (electronic detectors of dangerous substances, RFID tags for access management and information transfer).


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